No one likes the hassle of injury, here are some tips to reduce the likelihood of injury occurring. Here is Cory’s 5 tips

1.Recovery – make sure that you cool down correctly with gentle exercises to reduce the heart rate and keep moving so you can hit the ground running next time

2.Regular massage – tight spots occur – massage will help manage these tight spots and reduce the chance of injury

3.Foam roller – Painful but good! A foam roller is a great way to self manage areas of tightness

4.Stretching routine – a good static stretching routine in between sessions is important. A weekly pilates or yoga session can also help stretch the body out

5.Rest – so important! People often neglect letting the body having a break and recover. Don’t double up on hard sessions back to back and have one rest day per week

Colette has added Nutrition – which is vital! Good nutrition will help you perform and recover as best as you can.