Forward Hops

Work on your knee control with forward movements

Lateral Hops

Work on your knee control with sideways movements

Step Downs

Work on your knee control as your step down, loading your quadriceps into a stretched position.


Lie on your side, bend knees to 90 degrees. squeeze heels to activate hip abductors, lift up 30 cm and hold

Self janda with stretch band

Lay down with stretchband looped around your lower back and one forefoot, keeping other leg flat, use band to lift leg with straight knee up towards ceiling, then gently rock the leg across the body, into and out of a gentle stretch that is felt down the outside of the leg.

Neural mobilisation with stretch band

Sitting with the stretchband looped around your lowerback and balls of feet, legs out straight, slowly slump head and shoulders down towards hips. Feel a brief gentle stretch then come straight back up.